Copying other civilizations mechanically or blindly is like cutting ones toes just to fit his shoes, which is not only impossible but also highly detrimental. 在文明问题上,生搬硬套、削足适履不仅是不可能的,而且是十分有害的。
The machine adopts Transversal and Longitudinal precise guide rail, portable engraving machine which effect copying cutting by master plate. 本机采用纵横向精密导轨,手提雕刻机通过靠模板仿型切削。
A temporary stream store used to store text/ pictures. Used in copying, cutting and pasting text. 一个临时的流存贮(间)来存放文本/片。在拷贝,剪切和粘贴文本时使用。
In this article, the system transfer function is established by taking identification of system for oscillating tool carrier copying and cutting system which includes the cutting process. 对包含切削过程在内的摇摆刀架仿形加工系统进行系统辨识,建立传递函数模型,重点研究提高仿形系统的跟踪能力和加工精度的方法。
Second, the watermarking is robust against copying, cutting and formatted modifying. 可以有效地抵制针对文本文档的复制、剪切、格式调整等编辑操作,水印具有较强的鲁棒性;